A downloadable Fetish Fan Fiction

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Product Details:

Part 2 has 2 different endings, the main ending that leads towards the eventual fatal outcome for our intrepid bunny gutslut in Part 3, and an alternative non-fatal outcome that brings Judy safely back into the loving arms of Nick. 

This alt ending will hopefully provide fans of endosoma and non-fatal outcomes a satisfying conclusion to this story while the fans of fatal vore, graphic digestion, and disposal will have something to look forward to in the true finale in Part 3.

Part 1 can be found on sale here - https://psychovyse.itch.io/midnight-snack-part-1

Part 3 (For fatal path only) can be found on sale here - https://psychovyse.itch.io/midnight-snack-part-3

Story Summary:

This is the 2nd part in a 3 part mini-series featuring a risky game of wish fulfilment of a vorish nature between Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde over a long weekend in the aftermath of a hard and trying case.

Part 1 can be found on sale here - https://psychovyse.itch.io/midnight-snack-part-1

Part 2 Summary:

Waking up inside Nick's stomach after being eaten the night before a now sober Judy expresses her desire to experience what it is like to stay within Nick's belly for the whole day as he continues to delay his digestion, no matter how disgusting and gross things get. 

Some daily acts of nature are best left viewed or experienced from the outside, if at all, but Judy slowly begins to discover a masochist side of her that will slowly consume her if she lets it.

Part 2 word count: 18K


Zootopia, Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Oral Vore, Willing Rabbit Prey, Reluctant Fox Predator, Masturbating Prey, Masturbating Predator, Disposal Talk, Masturbating in a Stomach, Sleeping in a stomach, Mutual Masturbation

Tags for Part 2 only:

Digestion delay tactics, Digestion peril, Eating food and drink onto prey, Willing escape attempt for a bet, Toilet use, Pissing, Shitting, Humiliation, Degradation, Filth, Spending whole day in stomach, Eating food in stomach, Pissing in stomach. 

Tags for Part 2 Main ending only:

Acceptance of Death, Continuation of Story

Tags for Part 2 Alt ending only:

Endosoma, Regurgitation, Vomit, Non-fatal, Story Conclusion


"All she could soon think about was that there was no better moment for her than right here and now to try and experience for herself what the prey in some of those amazing pieces had. It was an opportunity that she couldn’t pass up on lest she be too afraid to ask to be eaten next time the chance arose."


"The warmth of the fluid around her - the way it clinged to her skin like grease and sweat - the smell of her own fresh urine, and the viscous texture of the stomach juices, all served to heighten her sense of arousal. She began to understand that there was a dark, forbidden part of her that enjoyed the feeling of being so dirty, of being so completely and utterly filthy it was almost freeing. "


"Soon her fingers were sliding across Nick’s tongue groping for any sort of purchase to grab hold of so she could pull herself the rest of the way up. Then she could stay there triumphant, before finally letting herself slide back down into his stomach to spend the rest of their day together as she had originally planned. She would be boastfully smug in the knowledge she wasn’t some weak prey that could only be considered food for the cocky, charming fox. Though to anyone else she would be considered the dumbest prey of all for intentionally going back in after working so hard at getting out. "

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Proofread by: Myself

Partly Proofread by:

Daolord - https://aryion.com/g4/user/Combat

and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/manusartnstuff/

Background art - Commissioned by myself https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38589911/  Art by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/youkai-chan

Thumbnail art - Commissioned by myself https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45120654/ by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tsubasagahoshi (Disposal and scat warning)


The thumbnail and background art from their respective comics do not represent the plot of this piece of work. This story is 100% original material.

All characters belong to the Zootopia film and Disney(c) 


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In order to download this Fetish Fan Fiction you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $5.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2 - Non-Fatal Alt Ending.docx 47 kB
Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2 - Non-Fatal Alt Ending.epub 37 kB
Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2 - Non-Fatal Alt Ending.pdf 296 kB
Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2.docx 50 kB
Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2.epub 39 kB
Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2.pdf 306 kB

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Preview - Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2.docx 10 kB
Preview - Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2.epub 5.9 kB
Preview - Midnight Snack - A Zootopia Story - Part 2.pdf 65 kB


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Oohh, things certainly heated up quick, those of you who aren't into more intimate and realistic ideas of what happens when someone spends a day in a stomach may want to avoid this one, but personally I like those aspects.
Now I read the fatal path ending so I can't speak as to how good the Endo ending is, but if it's even half as good as it's counterpart, then damn, I might need to dive in for round eh, probably 5 at this point, honestly though, pick it up, give both sides a read, dependant on your tastes of course, I promise you're not likely to be disappointed.